1: <?php
2: /*
3: * Copyright (c) 2016 Geraldo B. Landre
4: *
5: * See the file LICENSE for copying permission.
6: */
7: namespace pgn;
9: use pgn\Game;
10: use pgn\tags\Result;
11: use pgn\exceptions\InvalidGamePathException;
13: /**
14: * Description of PGN
15: * @todo Testes a fazer:
16: * * Testes Funcionais Básicos + Caminho Básico
17: * Game::__toString
18: * Game::getTag
19: * Game::addTag
20: * Game::parse (Exceptions)
21: * * Caminho Básico
22: * PGN::load
23: * PGN::loadFromFile
24: * PGN::countGames
25: * PGN::__toString
26: *
27: * @todo Próximo passo: Implementar Camada de Banco de Dados
28: *
29: * @author Geraldo B. Landre <geraldo.landre@gmail.com>
30: */
31: class PGN {
32: /**
33: *
34: * @var Game [] array of Games
35: */
36: private $games;
38: /**
39: * Creates a PGN object with no games
40: */
41: public function __construct() {
42: $this->games = array ();
43: }
45: /**
46: * Returns a string representation of the PGN object
47: * @return string a string representation of the PGN object
48: */
49: public function __toString() {
50: return $this->toString();
51: }
53: /**
54: * Returns a string representation of the PGN object
55: * @todo implement support of a properties file with the property defaultEndLine
56: * @param string $endl The end-line character (default: "\n").
57: * Example:
58: * <pre><code>
59: * <?php
60: * $object = new PGN;
61: * $object->toString("<br />");
62: * </code></pre>
63: * @return string a string representation of the PGN object
64: */
65: public function toString($endl = "\n") {
66: if ($this->countGames() == 0) {
67: return "";
68: }
70: $pgn = "";
71: foreach($this->games as $game) {
72: $pgn .= $game . $endl;
73: }
74: return $pgn;
75: }
77: /**
78: * Loads games from a PGN string
79: * @param string $str PGN string
80: * @throws InvalidGameFormatException throws an exception if the parameter
81: * is not a string or if it doesn't have the correct fields, i.e.
82: * the move text and the seven roster tags
83: */
84: public function load($str) {
85: $pattern = "[\s+" . Result::validPattern() . "]";
86: $arr = preg_split($pattern, $str);
88: foreach ($arr as $value) {
89: $game = trim ($value);
90: if(!empty($game)) {
91: $game = new Game();
92: $game->parse(trim($value));
93: $this->games[] = $game;
94: }
95: }
96: }
98: /**
99: *
100: * @param string $path
101: * @throws InvalidGamePathException throws an exception if the file doesn't
102: * exist or if was not possible to read it
103: * @throws InvalidGameFormatException throws an exception if the parameter
104: * is not a string or if it doesn't have the correct fields, i.e.
105: * the move text and the seven roster tags
106: */
107: public function loadFromFile($path) {
108: if(!file_exists(realpath($path))) {
109: throw new InvalidGamePathException('['.__CLASS__.": File [$path] doesn't exist");
110: }
112: $contents = file_get_contents($path);
114: if($contents === FALSE) {
115: throw new InvalidGamePathException('['.__CLASS__.": Couldn't read [$path]");
116: }
118: $this->load($contents);
119: }
121: /**
122: *
123: * @return int the number of games contained in the PGN object
124: */
125: public function countGames() {
126: return count($this->games);
127: }
129: /**
130: * Seven Tag Roster
131: * Gets the mandatory tags in a PGN game:
132: *
133: * 1) Event (the name of the tournament or match event)
134: *
135: * 2) Site (the location of the event)
136: *
137: * 3) Date (the starting date of the game)
138: *
139: * 4) Round (the playing round ordinal of the game)
140: *
141: * 5) White (the player of the white pieces)
142: *
143: * 6) Black (the player of the black pieces)
144: *
145: * 7) Result (the result of the game)
146: */
147: static public function getSTR() {
148: return array(
149: 'Event', 'Site', 'Date', 'Round', 'White', 'Black', 'Result'
150: );
151: }
153: }